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Fra Wiktionary
Seneste indlæg: for 10 måneder siden af Kinamand i emnet Forside vs. Skabelon:Forside

Har studeret eksemplet med hund, men ih hvor jeg dog savner de begynder-sider der hjalp mig let og smertefrit i gang på Wikipedia...
Bl.a. savner jeg en forklaring på tallene i parenteserne, f.eks. (1.1)

(x.y) x=navneord, verbum, osv; y=betydning
se fx. Bar i den polske Wikiordbog (selv om du ikke forstår sproget, kan du læse eks. på eng/da/de og se hvordan det fungerer)
se også andre danske ord i PL - index
3. maj 2004 kl. 22:20 (UTC)

Hit med lidt "begynderhjælp", så skal jeg gerne deltage...!

Peo, en skribent på den danske del af Wikipedia... :-)

Kan nogen forklare, hvorfor forsiden viser, at der er -1 ord i den danske ordbog. Så vidt jeg kan se, nærmer vi os da de første 10 ord? Sten Porse Den 8. maj 2004 kl. 12:19 CET

Lige nu fungerer tælleren kun i de "gamle" wikiordbøger (en, pl, fr).
8. maj 2004 kl. 12:46 (UTC)

se Wiktionary Statistics - Danish
23. maj 2004 kl. 17:56 (UTC)

tilføjelse af bøjningsendelser ved andre sprog? ~ eller -


En forsigtig debut - jeg har indføjet et par grønlandske oversættelser (gammelt bifag i eskimologi) - hvilke konventioner for tilføjelse af bøjningsendelser skal man bruge - opslagsordet føjer til med ~ , men i oversættelserne bruger nogen bindestreg?
--Ulla Sejrsen 29. jun 2004 kl. 23:01 (UTC)




Er det kun mig der synes at det ville se bedre ud, hvis vi (ligesom man også kan på den danske Wikipedia) havde en søgefelt i midten.

(men alså kun på forsiden)

Søg efter en artikel


koden har jeg fra den svenske Wiktionary.

Jeg synes også det vil forbedre forsiden med et søgefelt. 22. okt 2006 kl. 07:32 (UTC)

Mangler der ikke en Latin ordbog?


Jeg har forgæves ledt efter en ordbog over det gamle sprog på nettet.

Jeg ser, at der i Wikibooks findes en bog over akkadisk, men ingen over latin.

Jeg mener, at det ville være relevant at have en ordbog over latin her i Wiktionary, da flere ord på forskellige europæiske sprog linguistisk hænger sammen med det "døde" sprog.

Jeg er ikke selv en ørn til latin - selvom jeg tog den lille latinprøve i folkeskolen, men er det muligt, at der blandt wikipedianerne ikke skulle være enkelte, der har mod på at lægge en ordbog over latin ind her?

Hilsen Ane S

Der er [1], [2] og [3]. Håber det er noget du kan bruge :-) Kinamand 21. nov 2007, 11:51 (UTC)

IRC #wiktionary-da


Can we create a new IRC channel for da.wikt ? Go in http://mibbit.com/chat, selection Freenode, so your name and the channel (#wiktionary-da). --Ilaria 18. dec 2008, 19:45 (UTC)

Ilaria har oprettet #wiktionary-da. – Leo Laursen (snak · bidrag) 30. dec 2008, 20:04 (UTC)

Ændring af layout


Jeg synes personligt at den danske Wiktionary's forside er en smule.. kedelig, så at sige.
Er der nogen der ville have noget imod, hvis jeg frisker den lidt op?
Jeg forestiller mig noget lidt i stil med den danske Wikipedia's forside, hvis dette er okay. (?)
~ Mads Ren`ai 4. feb 2009, 12:09 (UTC)

Det lyder da som en god ide. Glæder mig til at se resultatet :-) Kinamand 4. feb 2009, 12:59 (UTC)
Sådan. Håber at det ser nogenlunde ud. :-)
~ Mads Ren`ai 4. feb 2009, 14:23 (UTC)

Rigtige sprog/kunstsprog


Nuværende tekst: "Bemærk at kun rigtige sprog inkluderes dvs. ikke kunstsprog som klingon (fra Star Trek)."

"Alle sprog"-listen indeholder Esperanto og Volapyk. Politikken er åbenbart ikke at medtage FIKTIVE sprog. Under alle omstændigheder er "rigtige sprog" en unødig værdidom. Jeg retter.

The official localisable Wiktionary logo

Hello! It was noted that Wiktionary in this language has not yet adopted a localised/translated logo: it's really a pity for a dictionary project!
We are trying to help Wiktionaries adopt a locally-adapted logo, by taking the technical difficulties on us. What we need from you is just the preferred translation of the name and motto, "Wiktionary" (if translated) and "The free dictionary": you can add them to the logo list, by editing it directly or commenting on the talk page; you can also add a note if you don't want the localised logo.
Of course, you can also create the logo and make the necessary requests on bugzilla yourself, if you prefer so.
Feel free to translate this message and to move/copy/forward it where appropriate; you can also reply on my talk. Thanks, Nemo 3. nov 2012, 15:31 (UTC)

Localise your wiki logo

The official localisable Wiktionary logo

Hello! It was noted that Wiktionary in this language has not yet adopted a localised/translated logo: it's really a pity for a dictionary project!
We are trying to help Wiktionaries adopt a locally-adapted logo, by taking the technical difficulties on us. What we need from you is just the preferred translation of the name and motto, "Wiktionary" (if translated) and "The free dictionary": you can add them to the logo list, by editing it directly or commenting on the talk page; you can also add a note if you don't want the localised logo.
Of course, you can also create the logo and make the necessary requests on bugzilla yourself, if you prefer so.
Feel free to translate this message and to move/copy/forward it where appropriate; you can also reply on my talk. Thanks, Nemo 3. nov 2012, 15:56 (UTC)


Ang. denne tilføjelse: Der bør vel ikke være sådanne henvisninger fra Wiktionarys forside. Selvom forsiden ligger i hovednavnerummet ligesom ordbogsopslagene, er denne side trods alt ikke et ordbogsopslag.
- Sarrus (db) d. 19. jan 2015, 18:13 (UTC)

We really shouldn't have Forside in capital letters as our homepage title. There may be a word in some language where the capital Forside is an actual word and where we need an entry for it. So we should just merge this with Wiktionary:Forside. NativeCat (diskussion) 19. jan 2015, 18:15 (UTC)
Those pages should not be merged. They have each their function. Wiktionary:Forside is a page for the editors of this projects, while Forside is the front page of Wiktionary. Please do not make a problem that does not exist. Is there a language where the word Forside (and not forside) exists? The frontpage of Danish Wikipedia has the same name (w:Forside).
- Sarrus (db) d. 19. jan 2015, 18:20 (UTC)
Wikipedia is fine I guess, I'm not a big fan of Wikipedia. I'm just saying, I don't like things like this being in mainspace. I think ONLY entries for the dictionary should be in mainspace. It just doesn't seem right. One day there may be a Forside word in another language, and the non-existent page should treat it as if one day it could very well become a word. See en:Wiktionary:Main_Page, however I do not much support there being a en:Main Page mainspace redirect to this page. NativeCat (diskussion) 19. jan 2015, 18:26 (UTC)
If you click the logo in the upper left corner you are led to Forside, so if not the word Forside exists in any languages we do not have a problem right now. If the problem should occur once in the future the Wikimedia developers should chance the logo's link and move the frontpage. However: The name of the frontpage is not the issue of this discussion. That is about the link you added to a dictionary entry on the frontpage.
- Sarrus (db) d. 19. jan 2015, 18:39 (UTC)
What there ”may be one day” is a very hypothetical problem for the future, to be treated if and when it ever arises. As far as I am concerned NativeCat is talking nonsense, and I would like to see his ”Se også: forside” removed. --Olelog (diskussion) 19. jan 2015, 18:53 (UTC)
I agree with Sarrus and Olelog. As a side note, you could consider protecting the main page (I believe most wiki projects have the front page protected). -- Curious (diskussion) 20. jan 2015, 20:46 (UTC)

Wiktionary på latin: +10.000 artikelne


Dem Wiktionary på latin allerede tjener +10.000 artikelne på 27 marts 2016.

Lennart Josef Raimund (diskussion) 25. apr 2016, 01:49 (UTC)

Ahvaffornoed? Hvad faen prøver du at sige? Não utilizes o Google Translator a próxima vez, muito obrigado. A sério. Não posso te entender. -- 25. apr 2016, 17:41 (UTC)



Could someone please translate this to English? I think it means "mortgage deed" or "mortgage letter" but I can't be sure. There's no Wikipedia article on it, and I need it because I want it as a Wiktionary entry. Sources:

  • ordnet.dk "skrivelse der dokumenterer en kreditors sikkerhed for udlånte penge i form af ret til pant i fast ejendom eller i løsøre"
  • [4] "Et pantebrev er et lån ydet mod sikkerhed i fast ejendom. Med et pantebrev stiller ejeren sin ejendom som sikkerhed overfor en långiver, der så bliver panthaver."
  • [5] "Et pantebrev giver en långiver (f.eks. et realkreditinstitut eller en bank) sikkerhed for et lån i ejendommen."
  • pant = mortgage
  • brev I think = "letter" technically

Philmonte101 (diskussion) 16. jul 2016, 09:28 (CEST)

"mortgage deed" according to Gyldendals røde ordbøger Dansk-Engelsk.
Translating back from English "mortage deed" = "pantebrev" or "panteobligation" according to the larger dictionary Kjærulff Nielsen Engelsk Dansk Ordbog. --Olelog (diskussion) 16. jul 2016, 09:25 (UTC)
Thanks so much! Philmonte101 (diskussion) 16. jul 2016, 17:22 (UTC)



I need help with this template. Template:Fransk konjugationstabel 2-er-avoir, and probably others, need to be modified so that the tables use Danish words to describe the forms, but obviously have the verb forms in French. There should also be links to all of the forms listed, since theoretically, Wiktionary should have entries for every attestable word that is not SoP in every attestable language, including the forms. Philmonte101 (diskussion) 30. jul 2016, 11:09 (UTC)

English words needed on the Danish Wiktionary.


Hi. I wanted to let you guys know that I am compiling several lists of Danish terms that we do and don't have taken from several text sources, especially from the English Wiktionary. As the Danish Wiktionary, we should obviously and hypothetically include not just all lemma forms, but all non-lemma forms as well. See my user page for a list of these. This is what I'm currently basing many of my entries on. Right now, the Danish Wiktionary is doing well, but is seriously lacking in many areas. That's what I'm here to help the project with! Philmonte101 (diskussion) 5. aug 2016, 19:38 (UTC)

More needed English words again


I'm compiling a cumulative list of red links of English terms (both lemmas and non-lemma forms). You can see this list here. Add any of these terms that you can. I'll add some entries later too. Cheers! PseudoSkull (diskussion) 11. mar 2018, 02:09 (UTC)


I tried to add the link https: //ordnet.dk/ddo/ordbog?query=partoutbillet to the talk page of partout, but my edit was blocked with this insane claim:

Fejl: Denne handling er automatisk blevet identificeret som skadelig, og er derfor ikke tilladt. Hvis du mener at din redigering var konstruktiv, så kontakt venligst en administrator, og informer denne om hvad du forsøgte at gøre. Her er en kortfattet beskrivelse af misbrugsreglen som din handling udløste: spambots

--Espoo (diskussion) 5. okt 2021, 21:51 (UTC)

Maybe because you have not made any other contributions and your first contribution is a link to another site. Try to make some contributions without links to other sites first so that the spam filter can see that you are not a bot. Kinamand (diskussion) 6. okt 2021, 15:40 (UTC)



The recently created Lombard edition of Wiktionary has over ten thousand (10,000) entries now. --Apisite (diskussion) 12. feb. 2022, 04:08 (UTC)Svar



Kunne Bruger:Kinamand eller Bruger:Palnatoke overveje at semibeskytte denne side pga. gentagent hærværk?
- Sarrus (db) d. 23. apr. 2022, 07:46 (UTC)Svar

Tak for tippet. Det er gjort nu. Kinamand (diskussion) 24. apr. 2022, 09:34 (UTC)Svar

Forside vs. Skabelon:Forside


Hello Danish Wiktionarians,

I am currently investigating an issue with some Wiktionary language versions, where the Main page sitelinks to different language Wiktionaries aren't displaying.

During my research, I noticed the Danish Wiktionary has 2 main pages and I am curious if this is intentional. I also notice there are slight UI differences between the 2 versions.


  • The 'other languages' menu sits above the Read, Edit, View History bar, rather than at the bottom of the page.
  • General
    • Cite This Page (missing)
    • Add interlanguage link (added)
  • Print/export
    • Create a book (missing)

Nothing needs to be changed, this is only a request for information or discussion whilst I collect information about this bug Pharicator Ticket: T210784] Thanks for reading, Danny Benjafield (WMDE) (diskussion) 12. mar. 2024, 13:39 (UTC)Svar

I dont know why it is made like this but one is just a template which is used in the other. So not really two different pages. Kinamand (diskussion) 16. mar. 2024, 18:36 (UTC)Svar