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In many cases the usage is the same as {{da-noun}}.

For words ending in s, z or x, the genitive ending is the apostrophe: ', . The model now supports that automatically, see e.eg. for mus below.


Unnamed arguments
  1. the suffix for the singular definite: en, n, et or t; otherwise it is taken as the complete word. If that is used, the gender must be given with the argument "g".
  2. the suffix for the plural indefinite: er, r, e; if empty, plural indefinite is the same as singular indefinite and the plural definite gets the ending "ene"; otherwise it is taken as the complete word.
  3. plural definite
  4. genitive singular indefinite
  5. genitive singular definite
  6. genitive plural indefinite
  7. genitive plural definite
Named arguments
  • g: the gender, c or n; if the first unnamed argument is one of "en|n|et|t", it is not used; else it should be given.
  • base: is the singular indefinite, default PAGENAME, usually not needed
  • stem: in cases where there is consonant doubling, eg. nul, which has the stem "null" (null+et, null+er, null+er+ne)
  • sg-def-2: if there are two correct variants of the singular definite, must be the complete word.
  • pl-indef-2: if there are two correct variants of the plural indefinite, must be the complete word.
  • pl-def-2: if there are two correct variants of the plural definite, must be the complete word.
  • gen-sg-def-2: if there are two correct variants of the genitive singular definite, must be the complete word.
  • gen-pl-indef-2: if there are two correct variants of the genitive plural indefinite, must be the complete word.
  • gen-pl-def-2: if there are two correct variants of the genitive plural definite, must be the complete word.

For the -def-2-cases, the complete word of the alternate variant must be given (see the last examples below).



This word is irreguler in the plural definite forms, they need to be specified (this is necessary for almost all Danish job descriptions and nouns ending in "er")


The endings are -en, -e, but there is consonant doubling, an extra "m" is added to the word's stem, i.e. "stem=bomm"

  • mus -en, mus, -ene (or blitz -en, blitz, -ene)

Words ending in s, z or x have an apostrophe in genitive form, the model now supports that automatically

  • alder -en, aldre, aldrene

This noun changes stem, but only in the plural forms. So we have to give the singular definite form, and the e for the plural indefinite form.

  1. {{da-noun-infl|alderen|e|stem=aldr}}
  • mand -en, mænd, mændene

The vowel changes in plural forms, and the full word has to be supplied for arguments 2, 3; the genitiv-forms 6 and 7 are created automatically

  • gås -en, gæs, gæssene

The vowel changes in plural forms, and the stem in plural changes, so - as for mand - the full word has to be supplied for arguments 2, 3

  • ord -et, ord -ene

Plural indefinite is the same as singular indefinite

  • kys, -et, -, -ene

The consonant doubles in the definite forms, so the stem has to be provided

  1. {{da-noun-infl|et|stem=kyss}}
  • søfart, -en; uncountable, no plural forms exist

We fill out the plural elements with hyphens and tell about the non-existing plural forms in the article, too.

  1. {{da-noun-infl|en|-|-|||-|-}}
  • hygge, -en; uncountable, no plural forms exist as with søfart
  1. {{da-noun-infl|n|-|-|||-|-}}

Two alternatives for the singular definite, and irregular spelling

  1. {{da-noun-infl|stem=ofr|et|e|sg-def-2=offeret|gen-sg-def-2=offerets}}
  2. {{da-noun-infl|et|ofre|ofrene|||ofres|ofrenes|sg-def-2=ofret|gen-sg-def-3=ofrets}}

Two alternatives for singular definite, this is reflected in the genitive forms automatically

  1. {{da-noun-infl|en|sg-def-2=insulinet}}