Brugerdiskussion:Olelog: Forskelle mellem versioner

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NativeCat (diskussion | bidrag)
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Linje 125: Linje 125:
: Also, see [ this]. Here I have tried to create a Danish article for one of my own wikis. However I cannot know if my translations are correct. This is why I don't speak Danish in discussions. (Let a Dane fix it on their own) [[Bruger:NativeCat|NativeCat]] ([[Brugerdiskussion:NativeCat|diskussion]]) 27. jan 2015, 01:27 (UTC)
: Also, see [ this]. Here I have tried to create a Danish article for one of my own wikis. However I cannot know if my translations are correct. This is why I don't speak Danish in discussions. (Let a Dane fix it on their own) [[Bruger:NativeCat|NativeCat]] ([[Brugerdiskussion:NativeCat|diskussion]]) 27. jan 2015, 01:27 (UTC)
Any tips? Advice? Comments? Anything? [[Bruger:NativeCat|NativeCat]] ([[Brugerdiskussion:NativeCat|diskussion]]) 27. jan 2015, 22:41 (UTC)
Any tips? Advice? Comments? Anything? [[Bruger:NativeCat|NativeCat]] ([[Brugerdiskussion:NativeCat|diskussion]]) 27. jan 2015, 22:41 (UTC)
:Neither negative nor positive comments. --[[Bruger:Olelog|Olelog]] ([[Brugerdiskussion:Olelog|diskussion]]) 28. jan 2015, 07:42 (UTC)

Versionen fra 28. jan. 2015, 07:43

Hjertelig velkommen til den danske Wiktionary, Olelog!

Jeg håber du vil få en god tid her på projektet. Jeg vil gerne introducere dig til nogle gængse metoder og projektet generelt. Wiktionary er en flersproget ordbog (og indeholder derfor både danske og udenlandske ord) som alle kan bidrage til, og som derfor er i konstant udvikling. Indholdet er frit tilgængeligt for alle.

Wiktionary redigeres efter samme metode som Wikipedia, men der er nogle grundlæggende forskelle:

  • Her skelner vi mellem små og store bogstaver
  • Vi bruger ikke flertydig-skabeloner, men nævner derimod alle betydninger af det samme ord i én artikel
  • Når vi linker til Wiktionary på andre sprog, er det altid med den nøjagtig samme bogstavkombination, og altså ikke en oversættelse til det pågældende sprog

En artikel på Wiktionary (f.eks. hund) oplyser typisk om ordets sprog, etymologi, ordklasse og køn (for substantiver). Desuden gives en definition, et eksempel og oversættelser til andre sprog. Artiklerne opbygges vha. skabeloner, som der foreligger en forklaring på i Wiktionary:Skabeloner.

Et godt sted at begynde redigeringen af Wiktionary er på skribentforsiden. Hvis du har brug for at spørge om noget, er du meget velkommen til at henvende dig på landsbybrønden eller spørge mig på min diskussionsside.

Endnu en gang: velkommen til!

Med venlig hilsen Trade (diskussion) 22. sep 2012, 00:23 (UTC)

Et par tips

Jeg har nu slettet Nordmand, som du bad om, men hvis du en anden gang får behov for at flytte en side, kan du flytte siden ved at klikke på den nedadgående pil til venstre for søgefeltet (hvis du bruger Vector-udseendet) og derefter på "Flyt". Bruger du monobook-udseendet, flytter man ved at klikke på flytfanen øverst på siden. Du kan læse mere om at flytte sider på flyttehjælpesiden på Wikipedia. Dette efterlader en omdirigering, som du efterfølgende kan anmode om at få slettet, ved at markere den med {{slet}}.

Når jeg nu har dig, kan jeg så anmode dig om at påsætte interwikilinks (links til tilsvarende opslag på andre sprogudgaver af Wiktionary) på de opslag, du opretter. Se f.eks. denne redigering. Du kan finde dem ved at gå ind på Google og søge på opslagsord, hvor "opslagsord" er navnet på det opslag, du har lavet. Du kan derefter kopiere og indsætte disse på det det opslag, du er ved at oprette her på den dansksprogede Wiktionary.

Hvis du har nogle spørgsmål, må du gerne spørge :-).
- Sarrus (db) d. 26. dec 2012, 15:40 (UTC)


Hello Ole,
can you tell me what sejlgarnsnøgle means? Maybe a picture helps, too. This word can you find here: Search word: sejlgarn Thank you in advance. -- Cadfaell (diskussion) 19. dec 2013, 16:11 (UTC)

In my youth ”sejlgarn” was used in reaper-binders (to bind or tye the sheaves), but it was originally string used by sailmakers. It is derived from Mittelniederdeutsch “segelgarn” (still called "Segelgarn" in modern German, I think). It may be defined as thin, strong string, e.g. made of hemp or cotton (or in fact simply translated as “string”). “Nøgle” can be a “ball” of yarn, a “ball” of wool, or in this case a “ball” of string. A sejlgarnsnøgle does in fact look like this: .
I hope this is of help. --Olelog (diskussion) 19. dec 2013, 18:56 (UTC)
Thank you, Ole. Indeed, this helps.I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. -- Cadfaell (diskussion) 20. dec 2013, 08:23 (UTC)

ordklasser: faste ordforbindelser, nominalfrase?

Hej Olelog!

Jeg har problem. Jeg ved ikke som kategori [1], [2] eller [3] har i dansk Wiktionary. Har du lyst til hjælpe mig? Bedsten (diskussion) 25. jun 2014, 11:22 (UTC)

Hej Bedsten,
Egentlig burde du vel spørge i ”Landsbybrønden”.
Mig bekendt findes der for øjeblikket ikke nogen tilsvarende kategori i den danske Wiktionary.
”Ordforbindelse” er i DDO defineret som ”to eller flere ord i en mere eller mindre fast sammenhæng”.
I ”” er der med henvisning til Retskrivningsordbogen en drøftelse af ”ordforbindelser i ét eller to ord” ( ). I et nummer af ”Nyt fra Sprognævnet” ( ) drøftes dette mere i detaljer.
”Substantiviske ordforbindelser” (stort set svarende til engelsk ”noun phrases”) kunne efter min beskedne mening være en mulig underkategori under en ny kategori med betegnelsen ”Ordforbindelser”.
Ordet ”nominalfrase” findes på norsk og svensk, men anvendes mig bekendt ikke på dansk. I hvert fald vil det nok virke uforståeligt for de fleste danskere. Jeg har ikke set ”nominalfrase” i nogen dansk ordborg eller fremmedordbog, dog nok ”nominalsætning” som fremmedord (f.eks.,_religion_og_filosofi/Sprog/Fremmedord/nl-n%C3%A5/nominals%C3%A6tning - sætningsemne uden finit verbum).
Med venlig hilsen --Olelog (diskussion) 25. jun 2014, 17:48 (UTC)
PS: Ordforbindelser som bagno turco eller post office er for eksempel i den engelske, svenske og tyske Wiktionary blot behandlet som substantiv (-noun-). Her er en række engelske ordforbindelser, der hidtil er rubriceret som substantiver i den danske Wiktionary: Adam's apple, Asperger's syndrome, baby alarm, baby blue, baby corns, baby pink, bicycle messenger … --Olelog (diskussion) 26. jun 2014, 05:34 (UTC)

Mange tak! Nu kan jeg spørger i Landsbybrønden. :-) Bedsten (diskussion) 26. jun 2014, 08:58 (UTC)

The template

What I'm going to do is I'm going to make a link in the template to our Danish entry for lemma. That way, if there was a confusion, then they could have a direct click to it. Also, I've sorry about the verber på engelsk thing. I will fix that as well.

About Wiktionary, I'm only here to try to help. I'm not trying to cause any damage, though I may make some mistakes, but doesn't everyone? I will try to fix up a bunch of stuff now. Rædi Stædi Yæti {-skriv til mig-} 23. okt 2014, 23:28 (UTC)

Tak --Olelog (diskussion) 24. okt 2014, 05:29 (UTC)


I am sorry about the betydning mening confusion. I knew about betydning already, I knew what that meant, but I thought mening would make more sense. I was thinking of a translation of the word sense. Also, I do intend to add tons of entries to expand our dictionary here. The signa entry itself took me a long time to complete, so I did work hard at this. Rædi Stædi Yæti {-skriv til mig-} 24. okt 2014, 21:01 (UTC)

Also the intention of these templates is to tell what sense a part of an entry is referring to, since I hate saying Etymology 1 and Pronunciation 2 and all that. It's far too confusing and not technical enough. Rædi Stædi Yæti {-skriv til mig-} 24. okt 2014, 21:03 (UTC)

What I really wish happened was that the Danish Wiktionary would be near the top of the Wiktionaries lists for having over 1 million entries. That is the goal of our Wiktionary; to get all words in all languages. That's why I use as many language entries as possible so that I can expand this Wiktionary as much as possible. Rædi Stædi Yæti {-skriv til mig-} 24. okt 2014, 21:05 (UTC)

To the point

So what I am trying to do here is to expand this Wiktionary, templatewise especially, to become like the English or French Wiktionaries, which are very successful Wiktionaries. I am sorry. If I could ask you a favor, can I put a bunch of entries into your namespace, such as User:Olelog/verbos or something like that? So that, since you're a Dane, you can read my entries and tell me somehow if they are accurate enough, and then I can post them? Because I don't have anybody who is Danish who is my friend, so I am off luck for that. Rædi Stædi Yæti {-skriv til mig-} 24. okt 2014, 21:09 (UTC)

Of course you are welcome to do that. With your present level of activity I fear that I shall only have time to deal adequately with a smaller part of your questions, but do have a go. --Olelog (diskussion) 25. okt 2014, 06:30 (UTC)
See User:Olelog/verbos --Olelog (diskussion) 25. okt 2014, 06:55 (UTC)


Shit, I did not see this error. I'm sorry, I'm so embarrassed about that mistake I made on mananasy. Rædi Stædi Yæti {-skriv til mig-} 25. okt 2014, 15:39 (UTC)

Bruger:Olelog associated pages.

I have put several entries on you user page. These include:

I hope that you could please edit them and put a label on them or something to show when they are okay to publish? I really do try to do my best on editing, and all I want to do here is improve this Wiktionary. I'm sorry for all the mistakes I've made, and to show you that I really mean what I'm saying here, I'm putting these on your user namespace before I publish them so that I can "ask a Dane if what I wrote is okay before I press the enter button" as you said. Thank you for your time. Rædi Stædi Yæti {-skriv til mig-} 25. okt 2014, 16:07 (UTC)


I am User:Ready Steady Yeti's new account. I've come to greatly apologize for all the corruption I did a couple months ago. Really I should apologize to this whole Wiktionary but I don't know where I'd do that. I'm now trying to make useful contributions, especially those of my native language, to help improve this dictionary. That's what I was trying to do before, however I went overboard and became ruthless.

Also, I know I already ruthlessly created Wiktionary:Artikel anmodninger, and I hope people can forgive me enough for that so that I can discuss it in Landsbybrønden. My idea is that we have a place to request articles in a list. My other idea is an extra place where people can put their articles as drafts and have an experienced editor check them to make sure that they are written correctly. I am trying to make one word translations for entries, because I'm not great with Danish grammar in sentences, so it would be really nice if we had a place like that to check drafted entries. NativeCat (diskussion) 31. dec 2014, 13:10 (UTC)

Third person english

Why would we not include the third person singular indicative form of a verb in our inflection templates? NativeCat (diskussion) 10. jan 2015, 16:54 (UTC)

  1. This item was discussed in "Landsbybrønden" a long time ago.
  2. The present template follows the tradition in Danish dictionaries (en->da and da->en).
  3. Changing the parameters in an existing template is just not done. It causes havoc. Unfortunately you have done so before, shame on you!
  4. If you should want to have the third person singular included, just make a new template, that does so. Oh, I see that you have already done so.
  5. If you want the "ing-form" included, I have made a template for that (-en-verb-ing-).
Please behave --Olelog (diskussion) 10. jan 2015, 17:26 (UTC) (We do not care what YOU find cool or nor!)
I will admit, I have caused havoc. I apologize a lot for this. It was immature. However, all that I was trying to do was to improve the site's information. NativeCat (diskussion) 10. jan 2015, 17:51 (UTC)
Also with my template, I put the third person singular present indicative form in sup in parenthesis, since it is part of the present tense, and less important. NativeCat (diskussion) 10. jan 2015, 17:52 (UTC)
Dear NativeCat alias ReadySteadyYeti alias whatever: I respect your concern for your (American) English language. Would you please also show some respect for our language, culture, and traditions. Please remember that when you edit the Danish Wiktionary, which is not an American Wiktionary. The majority of the visitors are Danes and not Americans. We hate to see our language mutilated by for instance dubious translations from some exotic language via English into Danish, where you only understand the relay language, English, sufficiently. I am pleased to see that you want to concentrate on English entries, and refrain from entries from other (to you unknown) languages with translations into Danish. Best of luck with that. --Olelog (diskussion) 10. jan 2015, 19:41 (UTC)
Well I am sorry, that, as says on my user page, my Danish is not great. However, Danish is my favorite language, Denmark being my favorite country, so this is why I edit here so often. I've been studying Danish for a long time, but not well enough to know things fluently. BTW, I am basing all of my entries on English Wiktionary entries, so there are a lot of other languages, as long as I can get a good English translation, which I can further (try to) translate into Danish. NativeCat (diskussion) 10. jan 2015, 19:49 (UTC)
I'll just keep working harder to improve myself, if that's okay with you. Feel free to correct me if I make any mistakes. I thank you for doing so. NativeCat (diskussion) 10. jan 2015, 19:52 (UTC)


As you have done on Diskussion:nedkøle. Why does it matter at all that I'm an American? I understand that Europeans tend to be very protective of their culture, but do not forget that I've been extensively researching Denmark and Danish culture and language for years, not to mention it being my favorite country/culture/language.

Why should it matter so much that I'm an American? There may not be many other Americans here, but I'm just as good as the rest of you people. We're all people in this world. Also, I never understood why me being an American got me into more consequences than me being a Dane. I'm sure some Danes have also done somewhat incorrect things here, but do they get as much criticism? No. It's always just me getting all the criticism, and apparently because I'm an American. And because somebody added an entry that had almost no content, I went in and marked it for deletion, then you got all pissy with me about being an American. Thank you for replacing that content adding the actual dictionary entry by the way.

Look, my overall goal here is to treat all languages the same, not to except the entry formatting and rules. If I see something in Danish that I think is incorrect, I will change it, regardless of it being "in Danish or not". Frankly, that's what Wiktionary is all about, is it not? Anyone can edit and stay neutral are rules that I've always seen throughout my experience with wiki editing. Though Danish is the primary language of this Wiktionary, speaking it as your native language should not be a free pass to getting multiple people acting all sweet to you. Everyone should be treated equally regardless of their race, culture, or whatever else. In other words, if you're gonna hate on me, don't put the word American in your accusations, or I'm going to become offended. I don't care what I did wrong, if I did anything wrong. it has nothing to do with my country which I just happened to be born in and it wasn't my choice at all. NativeCat (diskussion) 19. jan 2015, 21:08 (UTC)

On another note: I had no anticultural reason to mark that page for deletion. It was because of bad entry formatting. Aren't you supposed to delete pages like that, unless you have better content to add to replace it?NativeCat (diskussion) 19. jan 2015, 21:12 (UTC)
Sorry, I should have written something like non-Danish instead of American. I certainly appreciate all the input from non-Danish people on this Wiktionary, without their contributions it would not have been as good as it is. There is still much more to do. A problem is that you (whether you are an American or not) are making much more mistakes and unrest here than the average non-Danish user, and that in what I perceive as an arrogant way with too less respect for other users. I have indeed seen other users complain about you. You are of course welcome to improve things if you can. The entry “nedkøle” could be improved. As it is a correct Danish word, there is absolute no need to delete it. You might instead have put a note on its discussion page that it needed some attention. --Olelog (diskussion) 20. jan 2015, 06:49 (UTC)
PS. See also our page about "Sider der bør slettes", point 2 --Olelog (diskussion) 20. jan 2015, 09:09 (UTC)

Learning Danish

I've been trying for years to learn Danish, but, compared to people in my country, I've learned a lot. However I don't feel I've been very successful in my research and studies, because unfortunately I still cannot speak to another Dane without embarrassing myself. My pronunciation is apparently on the right track, but I can never understand a Dane when they speak, and I should by now. I haven't ever met a Danish person in real life (that's how non-diverse our country is). This is why I have a lot of trouble with editing the site. Language is my greatest interest. I like it better than anything else to be honest. So I really wish I could successfully contribute here. But I really thank you for helping me so much. This is why I do not speak Danish much in discussions. I do not want to embarrass myself with a great multitude of mistakes.

Also the reason I may seem arrogant sometimes is because most of the time I am editing at like midnight and am very tired, so my decisions may not be the best. Usually I'm very nice and accepting, and I'm sorry I haven't shown this side of me much here, but midnight is almost the only free time I have and that's unfortunate, but I try my best, and my goal is to see this place become a Danish dictionary that everyone in Denmark can get lots of information from on Danish and other languages. Any responses to this? NativeCat (diskussion) 26. jan 2015, 23:51 (UTC)

Also, see this. Here I have tried to create a Danish article for one of my own wikis. However I cannot know if my translations are correct. This is why I don't speak Danish in discussions. (Let a Dane fix it on their own) NativeCat (diskussion) 27. jan 2015, 01:27 (UTC)

Any tips? Advice? Comments? Anything? NativeCat (diskussion) 27. jan 2015, 22:41 (UTC)

Neither negative nor positive comments. --Olelog (diskussion) 28. jan 2015, 07:42 (UTC)